Friday, January 25, 2008

Reason I Hate California #1

Convicted of making threat to interfere with religion
Henson was convicted in 2001 under a California law (Sec. 422.6) that criminalizes any threat to interfere with someone else's "free exercise" of religion. One Usenet post that was introduced at his trial included jokes about sending a "Tom Cruise" missile against a Scientology compound (the actor is a prominent Scientologist). Picketing Scientology buildings and other "odd behavior" were also part of the charges, Deputy District Attorney Robert Schwarz said at the time.
First it was yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater. Fine. But the act of obviously JOKING on the INTERNET about doing something that MIGHT offend religious people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the same what if the joke had been about Judaism. Would it be different to you then?