Policy positions:
- He only voted for the Patriot Act after his amendments adding "sunset clauses" were added to the final bill. Barr played a similar role during the debate over Bill Clinton's Comprehensive Anti-terrorism Act of 1995, crafting pro-civil liberties amendments to the original text.[4] He now publicly regrets his Patriot Act vote.
- He is best known for his role as one of the House managers during the Clinton impeachment trial.
- He authored and sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act, a law enacted in 1996 which states that only marriages that are between a man and a woman can be federally recognized, and individual states may choose not to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another state.[7] However, he does not support the Federal Marriage Amendment, citing states' rights reasons.[8]
- Barr was a strong supporter of the War on Drugs and adamantly opposed the legalization of medical marijuana. He remarked that marijuana "has no place in medicine, no place in pain relief, and ... no place around our children."His position on medical marijuana has changed dramatically as he continued to work on civil liberties issues after leaving Congress.
- he also controversially proposed that the Pentagon ban the practice of Wicca in the military.
- Barr is also a supporter of the Fair Tax
See what I mean? This is a lawyer who is playing the classic civil libertarian card, because he knows nothing else. At least Ron Paul knows his shit about economics and foreign policy. I hope I'm convinced otherwise.
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